Trip Reports – Atlanta Climbing Club Mon, 16 May 2016 12:48:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Welcome 2015 Wed, 14 Jan 2015 01:12:32 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Hello Climbers,

Welcome to the new year, the club board members have now been assigned to their positions.
Here they are:
Club President – Denmark Blount
Past President – Jim Allison
Program Coordinator – Greg Allen
Trip Coordinator – Bindal Shah
Treasurer – Susan Stewart
Trail Day and Access Issues – Kevin Kehm
Communicator – Jennifer Kemper

Just a quick reminder that dues are due, 25 for single person or 40 for family.

The January trip was a good one, some going to good ‘ole T-wall and some to ice climb at Hogpen Gap.

Here is a quick trip report from the T-wall gang:
Meeting at the Marietta park and ride before first light, the temperature was right around 20 degrees. Tim, Chuck and Bindal were all foolish enough to show up, and they headed on toward Chattanooga. Arriving at the trailhead around 9:45, they found Gary waiting for them.

With clear skies and temperatures still in the low 20s, the hike up to the crag seared the lungs but provided some much welcomed body heat. The waterfall was a lovely display of water cascading over icicles, with a huge pile of ice and snow at the base. The rock seemed cold but bearable, and the first climbs of the day confirmed that things were thawing out nicely.

By the end of the second climb the T-Wall magic was in full swing. Jackets were put away as it turned into a beautiful day — punctuated with the occasional sound of ice falling down the cliff. Tim bagged numerous onsight ascents. Bindal logged some time on the sharp end of the rope as well, pink pointing some of Tim’s leads. Gary and Chuck each managed to sneak in an onsight as well. The day’s climbing was a resounding success.

Things started to cool off as the sun got low on the horizon. Everyone packed up and headed back to the cars as the sun went down. Gary headed straight back home, while the rest of the gang returned to the Wing Cafe in Marietta to meet up with Gerise and Jenny. After some hot food and cold beers, everyone headed home for some well-earned sleep.

Routes that were climbed:

Plastic Toys
Multiple Use Area
Prerequisite for Excellence
Standard Deviation
Sunday Gardening
Contents Under Pressure
Shiva’s Last Dance
A Tension Span

Some things to look forward to are: The Feb club meeting; the next club trip (location to be announced later); “Float the Boat” bouldering competition (Feb 28th)…

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Trip Report: Palisades Park, AL 2014-12-07 Sat, 13 Dec 2014 13:46:54 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Rain caused the trip to be postponed from Saturday to Sunday, which resulted in a smaller group. The 2 1/2 hour drive seemed short with good conversation including the Theory of Relativity. The weather was sunny with highs in the upper 50’s and almost no wind. The rock was dry. The only other group there was 6 from Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. The fee has gone up from $2 per climber to $5.

Jim and Mike lead Exit Stage Left (5.5). Jim led Cashmere (5.7), with a mock lead through the roof; Mike followed on toprope. Denmark lead Trivial Pursuit (5.9) and Tim pink pointed the climb. Tim led Captain Crunch (5.9) and Denmark pink pointed. Mike led Bubba (5.5) and Jim lead the Unnamed (5.7) right of Bubba.   Denmark lead 9 To 5 (5.8) and Tim pink pointed. Tim led Jumpin’ Jeff Flash (5.8) and Denmark pink pointed. Jennifer toproped all 7 or 8 and made quota. Jennifer’s dog River was handed down the downclimb, was perfectly behaved, and exited the walk-up past End Rock.

Currently it gets dark at 4:30 in Alabama, so we quit early. But the park was open late for a Christmas lights display from 5pm – 9pm. The lights were a medley of arrangements from local businesses and family’s. We stopped at Mi Casita’s in Ashville, AL, for Mexican (no beer on Sunday) and later Dairy Queen and were home at a reasonable hour.

Climb on! – Denmark

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Trip Report: Looking Glass, NC 2014-11-08 Thu, 13 Nov 2014 04:25:04 +0000 Continue reading ]]> The Atlanta Climbing Club November trip to Looking Glass, NC, was this past weekend. Most carpooled individually and made their way up Friday night and one tried Saturday morning, but more on that later. The weather was a perfect fall day, sunny and cool. Many leaves were down but the forest was still colorful and beautiful.

On the South Side wall Alex led Good Intentions 5.6 and set up a top rope on Left Up 5.7. Denmark led Short Man’s Sorrow 5.6 and set up a top rope on Bloody Crack 5.8. Kevin led the direct approach to First Return and Sentry Box ledge for others to top rope. He rated it 5.6/5.7.   Denmark led an unnamed route right of Short Man’s Sorrow, which folks said had a couple of 5.10 moves on it.

Russ had his cast off and a splint on his broken arm. Nevertheless he aided Good Intentions and climbed Short Man’s Sorrow before he declared he was not going to overdo it. Gene climbed First Return Approach, Left Up, half of Bloody Crack, and onsited (or should we say blindsited) Short Man’s Sorrow. Linnea smoked all the climbs and cleaning the gear. She even cleaned two of Fox Mountain head guide Ron’s cams by mistake. Bindal had no problem with the polished starts given his bouldering expertise. Ian onsighted (his first?) 5.10.

Kevin led the first pitch and Alex the combined second and third pitches of Rat’s Ass 5.8 with Bindal in the middle. Ask Kevin for the story about dropping six nuts. The sun set and we packed up and hiked out in the dusk and dark, some with headlamps. Susan slipped and caught herself but smacked her wrist on a rock – radial fracture. Many went to The Square Root for dinner and celebrated Russ’s birthday a few days early.

But where were the others? Jim went to the park-n-ride at 6:00am in his all electric Leaf only to find no one else there. With only 80 miles per charge he could not make North Carolina and he turned around and went back home. Later he climbed with Tim and Greg at Jamestown. Harry, Josh, and Kevin climbed The Nose and returned to that area the next day. JP and friend were supposed to meet us at the South Side but went there on Sunday instead of Saturday.

Folks went their separate ways on Sunday and several stayed at Looking Glass. Jodi led pitches 1 and 4 on The Nose 5.8 while Jennifer led pitch 4 on Sundial Crack 5.8. Chuck redpointed all 5 pitches on Tits and Beer 5.9 (aka world’s hardest 5.8), finishing just after sunset. The rap tree was dead and had fallen over. In the dark Chuck built a new rap station on an evergreen tree and rapped and hiked out by headlamp.

Climb On!-Denmark Blount

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January and February Trip Report Sat, 18 Feb 2012 15:02:47 +0000 Continue reading ]]> You will recall that the January Atlanta Climbing Club trip was to T-Wall.  About 15 hardy climbers braved the 30% chance of rain and made the drive to Chattanooga, TN.  We were encouraged by no rain and patches of sunlight between Cartersville and Chattanooga.  But on the other side of Chattanooga, the rain started.  Nevertheless, we hiked up to T-Wall and found the rock wet.  Even Art under the big roof had water on its corner crack in places.  We bailed and went to Urban Rocks, the indoor rock climbing gym in Chattanooga.  After several hours everyone was worn out and we went to Lupi’s for pizza and beer before heading home.

    The February Climbing Club trip was to Jamestown, AL.  Again, about 15 hardy climbers braved the cold, wind, and 10% chance of precipitation.  Leaving Atlanta at 7am, it was 43 degrees F but had dropped to 27 degrees by the time we reached Jamestown.  The winds were 20 mph with gusts up to 40 mph that almost pushed the cars off the road.  The farm road was passable with no fallen trees and the hike to the cliff line uphill but short enough.  From left to right, Jim Allison lead Winter’s Respite 5.8 and top-roped Pumpkin Spice 5.10a.  Mark Vonder Meulen top-roped The Great Stumpkin 5.10c after leading Pumpkin Patches 5.9+.  Russ Moore lead Yum Yum Tree 5.7+.  Denmark Blount lead Art Of Darkness 5.9 and set up a top-rope on Animal Farm 5.10.  Gary Latimer lead Truth Or Consequences 5.8.  Mark Vonder Meulen lead Medusa Tree 5.9 after falling on the 5.11 variation over the bulge.  Denmark Blount lead the Wild Iris 5.9 crack under the power lines.  All were anxious for their turn to climb to generate body heat.  Fortunately the cliff sheltered us from most of the wind.  The morning was overcast with occasional breaks in the clouds and occasional light mistings of snow flakes.  The afternoon had more sun than clouds but it cooled off once the sun went behind the mountain.  Sherry and Daniel left early for a concert.  Jonathan and Dan headed for I-59 with plans for Hoserpens on Sunday.  Aaron, Dustin, and Robbie headed for home as Dustin needed to get back to his wife and new baby girl.  The remaining 9 including Danielle, Mark O’Neal, Tim, Frank, … headed for Las Palmas in Rome for Mexican food and beer.  After a great day of climbing and full stomachs, we headed home, with the car Tim was riding in stopping at DQ for a blizzard.

        Denmark Blount 2/12/2012

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