Category Archives: Trip Reports

You will recall that the January Atlanta Climbing Club trip was to T-Wall. About 15 hardy climbers braved the 30% chance of rain and made the drive to Chattanooga, TN. We were encouraged by no rain and patches of sunlight between Cartersville and Chattanooga. But on the other side of Chattanooga, the rain started. Nevertheless, we hiked up to T-Wall and found the rock wet. Even Art under the big roof had water on its corner crack in places. We bailed and went to Urban Rocks, the indoor rock climbing gym in Chattanooga. After several hours everyone was worn out and we went to Lupi’s for pizza and beer before heading home.

The February Climbing Club trip was to Jamestown, AL. Again, about 15 hardy climbers braved the cold, wind, and 10% chance of precipitation. Leaving Atlanta at 7am, it was 43 degrees F but had dropped to 27 degrees by the time we reached Jamestown. The winds were 20 mph with gusts up to 40 mph that almost pushed the cars off the road. The farm road was passable with no fallen trees and the hike to the cliff line uphill but short enough. From left to right, Jim Allison lead Winter’s Respite 5.8 and top-roped Pumpkin Spice 5.10a. Mark Vonder Meulen top-roped The Great Stumpkin 5.10c after leading Pumpkin Patches 5.9+. Russ Moore lead Yum Yum Tree 5.7+. Denmark Blount lead Art Of Darkness 5.9 and set up a top-rope on Animal Farm 5.10. Gary Latimer lead Truth Or Consequences 5.8. Mark Vonder Meulen lead Medusa Tree 5.9 after falling on the 5.11 variation over the bulge. Denmark Blount lead the Wild Iris 5.9 crack under the power lines. All were anxious for their turn to climb to generate body heat. Fortunately the cliff sheltered us from most of the wind. The morning was overcast with occasional breaks in the clouds and occasional light mistings of snow flakes. The afternoon had more sun than clouds but it cooled off once the sun went behind the mountain. Sherry and Daniel left early for a concert. Jonathan and Dan headed for I-59 with plans for Hoserpens on Sunday. Aaron, Dustin, and Robbie headed for home as Dustin needed to get back to his wife and new baby girl. The remaining 9 including Danielle, Mark O’Neal, Tim, Frank, … headed for Las Palmas in Rome for Mexican food and beer. After a great day of climbing and full stomachs, we headed home, with the car Tim was riding in stopping at DQ for a blizzard.

Denmark Blount 2/12/2012

ACC Big Rock Trip Report – Next trip T-Wall on Jan 9th

The December trip was held on yet another perfect day, with lots of warm sunshine to bask in.  With around 14 members, including 2 first timers, showing up at various times in an unfamiliar location we were seldom all in … Continue reading

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ACC Board Nominations, Holiday Party & Nov Trip Report

Send in your Board nominations, RSVP for Holiday Party Fri Dec 4th, & a great trip to Palisades Park Hi All, This post combines 3 messages into a single post, so if you want to be informed, be sure to … Continue reading

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Looking Glass Trip Report

The October trip to Looking Glass turned out quite well. We had 15 members make the trek to NC, including a few new people continuing a trend for this year.  Despite being hard to find in the dark, the campground … Continue reading

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Sept 12th Trip Report – Lost Wall

On Saturday Sept. 12th the club kicked off the fall climbing season with a trip to Lost Wall. We had 6 climbers head up at 6:00 am and another 8 left at 7:15 am.  We had a good mix of the regulars and … Continue reading

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June Trip Report Upper Leda – June 13th

On Saturday June 13th the club ventured out to Upper Leda for our first trip since our March trip.  14 members showing up for an early 6:30 am start, a few even earlier, was a clear indication folks were eager … Continue reading

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March trip to Foster Falls as good as it gets

The club’s March trip to Foster Falls was about as good as it gets. Mother Nature gave us a much appreciated break from the rain. With abundant sunshine and warm temps, many folks were in short sleeves by noon. Those … Continue reading

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February Climbing Trip Report

On Sunday we were finally able to have the February club trip to Currahee Mountain. 7 folks were at the carpool, with another 5 (plus 2 crag dogs) joining us at the mountain.  The road up to the top was … Continue reading

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January 2020 Trip Report: Sand Rock, AL

We kicked off the new climbing year with a trip to Sand Rock in AL. It was a cold morning, but thanks to the area’s ability to dry out quickly we didn’t have to deal with wet rock. There were … Continue reading

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September 2019 Trip Photos

Thanks to everyone for making our trip to Linville Gorge such a success. I had a great time seeing you all. I have posted a collection of photos from the trip to the ACC Facebook page. You don’t need to … Continue reading

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January 2018 Trip Report

Saturday we started off the New Year with a trip to Tennessee Wall just north of Chattanooga. Despite a high temperature forecast in the low 30’s that day, four brave souls met at the Marietta park and ride before dawn … Continue reading

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